Thrive Informz Beta Testers

Thrive Informz Users

  • 1.  Thrive Event Payment

    Posted 01-24-2024 10:17 AM

    Hello! -The Richmond Branch recently held their first paid event through Thrive. How do we receive the money from the event? 

    Paige Lazar P.E.
    Statewide Transit Planner
    Department of Rail and Public Transportation
    Richmond, VA

  • 2.  RE: Thrive Event Payment

    Posted 01-24-2024 02:44 PM

    Hi Paige, 

    If your local group set up payment in the community it should go directly into your Paypal or Stripe account. You setup payment by going to Settings > Event Payment Providers. Enter your account and click save. Please feel free to reach out to me if that wasn't setup and the society can reimburse you. My email is taustin@...

    Tirza Austin
    Senior Manager, Online Community
    American Society of Civil Engineers
    1801 Alexander Bell Drive
    Reston, VA 20191

  • 3.  RE: Thrive Event Payment

    Posted 01-25-2024 08:24 AM

    Great thank you for confirming! 

    Also - when we cancel an individual's paid registration, will their account get reimbursed automatically or do we have to manually send them a reimbursement check? 

    Paige Lazar P.E.
    Statewide Transit Planner
    Department of Rail and Public Transportation
    Richmond, VA

  • 4.  RE: Thrive Event Payment

    Posted 04-21-2024 08:02 PM

    Hi Tirza, I noticed that the same payment account is forced to be used for different events from different entities. Is there a way to assign specific account to specific event to avoid registration fee going to the wrong account?

    Kiet Dao EIT, A.M.ASCE
    Civil Engineering Designer
    Tucson AZ

  • 5.  RE: Thrive Event Payment

    Posted 04-29-2024 05:38 PM

    Hi @Kiet Dao, the event payment information is community specific. So the payment information needs to be the same across the community. If you need to use a different payment account, we can create a new community for you. You just need to contact me at taustin@... 

    Tirza Austin
    Senior Manager, Online Community
    American Society of Civil Engineers
    1801 Alexander Bell Drive
    Reston, VA 20191