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Boy Scout Engineering Merit Badge Counselors Needed

  • 1.  Boy Scout Engineering Merit Badge Counselors Needed

    Posted 08-18-2018 11:50 AM
    Calling all engineers for help with young people considering engineering as a career!

    Counselors are needed for the Boy Scout Engineering Merit Badge and Girl Scout Engineering Badge workshop at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum on November 3, 2018.  Badge requirements involve interaction with and mentoring by practicing engineers.  

    The badge work involves basic engineering investigation and knowledge, performing engineering tasks, and making a report on the work.  Check the requirements on the scouting websites.  There will be a 3-hour session in the AM for Boy Scouts an a 3-hour session in the PM for Girl Scouts.  Schedule subject to change as we get closer to the date.  Both indoor and out door work space, tables, and 115v power will be available for requirements that can be completed at the workshop, .  Please bring your own teaching equipment and supplies as we do not have anything collected to keep at the museum.

    The plan is to review the badge requirements at the workshop, set up some of the requirements and start filling in the blanks.  Counselors will be expected to handle followup meetings with their scouts to complete the requirements either before or at the next workshop in the spring .  All of the scouts are under 18 years of age, therefore Act  151 volunteer clearance is necessary.  Not that big of a deal - search Pennsylvania Act 151 information.  Bring your completion certificate.

    About 75 scouts participate in the workshop , which includes other merit badges such as railroading and electricity.  We are planning on 6 to 10 scouts each for the engineering badges, but will know more when the troops sign up for the workshop.

    This is the first workshop that will include engineering badges, but this workshop has been held for more than five years.  Here we have a terrific opportunity to bring into the fold pre-college STEM and engineering students.   

    Please contact me at nrv256te@... if you are interested and would ike more details.

    Norman Voigt PE, PLS, F. ASCE
    Consultant, Writer, Semi-Retired
    Pittsburgh PA 15237
    (412) 366-4053