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Dear ASCE Section-Branches, Students Chapters, Members & Students,
This has with reference to continuous support and help from ASCE, Region 10 of ASCE Past Governor, Life fellow members and Distinguished ASCE Members on the above said subject. We have perfectly streamlined to release the ASCE India Section May to July 2022 Quarterly Newsletter Web edition.. This quarterly Newsletter is released from ASCE IS Upon continuous support from our all Student Chapters, Faculty advisors, Practicing advisors & Student officers,, Section Office bearers, Life fellow members, Past Governor, Distinguished ASCE Members, ASCE HQ Support, loving members & students. Now we have a final copy of ASCE IS May to July 2022 Newsletter Web edition & pdf soft copy too for your kind perusal.
Once again requesting you one and all ASCE IS Members and Student Chapters to contribute the Technical articles, Case Studies, News, Sections- Student Chapters-Members accolade's etc. for the next issue.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks and regards,
The ASCE India Section Southern Region President
ASCE Region10 Board of Governors Corr. Member
Narsimha Chary Poloju | P.Eng., S.E, M.GI, M.ASCE, M.AEI, M.SEI