The modulus of rupture is going to vary depending on the glass temper, and E=10400ksi per the ASTM E1300. ------------------------------ Renn Henry, PE Staff Engineer ------------------------------
The hardware vendor will typically have technical data available for a glass shoe or button. Here is one link with publicly available information that might be helpful. ...
I can't say I've ever seen the interlayer checked for tensile stress outside of cases where retention of the glass post-breakage was a consideration. I'd check out ASTM E1300 Sections X8 they are not explicit about tensile failure of the interlayer not ...
I wanted to show the tensile stress of the interlayer had a safety factor of at least 4.0 per code for handrail live loads. ------------------------------ Brenda Moore P.E., M.ASCE President BLM Consulting Engineers, Inc. Midlothian VA ------------ ...
I don't think MEPLA has an option for that, what are you looking to do with the interlayer stress? ------------------------------ Renn Henry, PE Staff Engineer ------------------------------
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