I have now confirmed that the 0.8 factor in Eq. 12.10-8 is in error. ASCE will be issuing an errata to both ASCE 7-16, where the formula originally appeared and also ASCE 7-22 where it also appears to correct this Thank you for being diligent in your review and sending the message over the forum.
Ronald Hamburger, SE
Consulting Principal
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
Original Message:
Sent: 02-13-2023 01:47 PM
From: Anonymous Member
Subject: Alternate Design Provisions for Diaphragms including Chords and Collectors
This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
I believe there is a typo in the ASCE/SEI 7-22, Eq. 12.10-8. Would someone please verify?
Alternative design provisions for diaphragms, including chords and collectors states that the design acceleration coefficient, Cpi = 0.8 Cpo. Based on the research reports and FEMA examples, the '0.8' should not be in the equation. Do you agree?