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  • 1.  Countrywide weather/climate map development using the Stalker method

    Posted 10-23-2020 09:13 PM
    I have developed a cutting-edge weather/climate simulation technology for countrywide maps for all countries based on the Stalker method (a method within an atmospheric modeling system) over fifteen years at my business, RESPR (Home
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    Welcome to Regional Earth System Predictability Research (RESPR-pronounced Res-Per), a Member Business within The Enterprise Universe! Dr. Stalker discusses the RESPR weather/climate simulation technology platform in a series of videos (from episode 14 through 18). Dr. Stalker is active on LinkedIn and Twitter also.
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    Since every country is going to benefit from these new maps for optimizing their natural resources from, for example, wind, solar, and water resources, and minimizing losses (e.g., from flooding) leading to improved GDP.
    Local leaders, businesses, governments, etc. will be instrumental in achieving this vision and I am of the opinion that ASCE members around the world are going to be able to play a greater role to be part of this global vision.
    Please comment with questions or comments or suggestions.
    James Stalker, Ph.D.
    President & CEO, RESPR, Inc.

    James Stalker Ph.D.,Aff.M.ASCE
    President & CEO
    RESPR, Inc.
    Tolland CT

  • 2.  RE: Countrywide weather/climate map development using the Stalker method

    Posted 10-24-2020 08:58 PM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 10-24-2020 08:57 PM
    Dear James Stalker
    You have done valuable research, can you provide more information in the form of a few slides to make the members of the association more aware in this post.
    Certainly, with more familiarity, the members of the association can study the issue in their own country and use your achievements.

    Reza Mokarramaydenlou, Ph.D., C.Eng, P.E., S.E., M.ASCE
    Structural Engineering and Seismic rehabilitation Consultant
    Author of the book in Elsevier

  • 3.  RE: Countrywide weather/climate map development using the Stalker method

    Posted 10-25-2020 09:48 AM
    Hello Reza, Thanks for sharing your suggestion. I want to take this moment to provide more details on my global vision for you and others who might be interested in this potential opportunity. It is more than research, as the subsequent development part is a significant piece of the puzzle. I believe a consortium of individuals and organizations will have to be formed, led by me and my company, RESPR, for each country to get a project of this nature started and completed in a timely manner. It may take 6 months to a year to form such a consortium with all the agreements in place to begin the work. The project itself will take anywhere from 2 to 5 years depending on the size of the country.
    I will be interested to hear from as many professionals and select those individuals/organizations for as many countries as we can, to eventually complete the map development effort for the entire globe.

    I encourage all interested professionals to review my website at https://james-r-stalker-ceo.teu.enterprises and contact us directly with a brief letter of interest, including such details on how you or your organization may help build a successful consortium for your country's mapping project. One of the links on the website points to my presentation in Boston at the American Meteorological Society. Please don't hesitate to share any other suggestions, comments, or questions you may have.

    James Stalker Ph.D.,Aff.M.ASCE
    President & CEO
    RESPR, Inc.
    Tolland CT

  • 4.  RE: Countrywide weather/climate map development using the Stalker method

    Posted 10-27-2020 11:49 AM
    Hi James, it would be great if you could briefly describe the Stalker Method in a laymen terms for those of us who do not have a strong climate background.

    Mitch Winkler

    Mitch Winkler P.E., M.ASCE
    Houston, TX

  • 5.  RE: Countrywide weather/climate map development using the Stalker method

    Posted 10-27-2020 07:02 PM
    Hello Mitch,
    Thanks for the suggestion. I have recorded several videos on the Stalker method for those that are not into numerical weather prediction (NWP) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). For those interested in these fields, I recommend my technical presentation at the American Meteorological Society. Both links are available from my central website.
    I am summarizing some highlights here in bullet points:
    • NWP/CFD models heavily rely on state variables (measured) without accounting for the underlying physical processes that shape the state variables.
    • In order to enable the underlying physical processes as the Stalker method does, model resolution has to be much finer than what is used in the current models. For the weather and climate applications, that currently used resolution is coarser by an order (weather) or two (climate) magnitude. In other words, the Stalker method requires 1-km, as opposed to 12-25-km (for weather) and typically on the order of 125-km (for climate).
    • Without the finer resolution required by the Stalker method, i.e., in order to enable the underlying processes, fluid predictability takes a huge hit and thus any conclusions about a fluid behavior (for example, the atmosphere in the context of climate change) become unreliable.
    • The Stalker method has been implemented into a NWP model at my business over 15 years to simulate weather and climate properly leading to a highly quantitative understanding based on which, for example, climate mitigation strategies can be meaningfully and effectively implemented.
    • This deficiency is across the board in all scales so even small-scale CFD simulations suffer the same consequences of the over reliance on the state variables without the underlying physical process influences.
    • This issue is prominent in quantitatively understanding a country's resources (e.g., from wind, sun, water, etc.) as well, which is one of the key goals for my global mapping efforts to address the issue.
    • I am looking for team members in technical fields, not necessarily in the NWP area, but with strong relations within their government procurement divisions, in host countries to build these maps out for all countries (and eventually over the oceans).
    • The Stalker method is computationally demanding (and costly), but the benefits outweigh the cost by a lot.
    Please let me know the above helps. If not, I will be happy to share more details.

    James Stalker Ph.D.,A.M.ASCE
    President & CEO
    RESPR, Inc.
    Tolland CT

  • 6.  RE: Countrywide weather/climate map development using the Stalker method

    Posted 11-06-2020 10:12 AM
    Hi James, Maybe you could try describing your method in terms of  high level 1) inputs and 2) outputs and give a simple example of how one might use the output and the value over other methods.


    Mitch Winkler P.E., M.ASCE
    Houston, TX

  • 7.  RE: Countrywide weather/climate map development using the Stalker method

    Posted 11-07-2020 02:17 PM
    Hello Mitch,
    1. The input to my modeling approach comes from various measurement platforms (e.g., surface weather stations). The quality of the input data and resolution depend on the country. As I mentioned, the range of the resolution varies from 10-km to 100-km.
    2. The output results from our modeling platform at the 1-km, irrespective of the input resolution.
    3. The benefits are numerous to expound on here, but the increased quantitative understanding resulting from our high-resolution output will lead to more optimized use of one's country's natural resources (e.g., from wind, sun, or precipitation), but also effective adaptation and mitigation measures for climate change. The net benefit leads to improved GDP.
    Here are the links for further info:
    1. My central website has links to more background material
    2. My Boston presentation at the American Meteorological Society provides much of the technical background the Stalker method
    3. I will offer an online seminar when there are 12 or more people interested. Express your interest to attend that seminar by emailing me at info@....

    James Stalker Ph.D.,A.M.ASCE
    President & CEO
    RESPR, Inc.
    Tolland CT

  • 8.  RE: Countrywide weather/climate map development using the Stalker method

    Posted 11-12-2020 02:56 PM
    Mitch asked for additional info. Thanks, Mitch.

    Mitch: Where you say all tell us what all includes -  applies to all variables

    James: Wind (three components), temperature, pressure, and humidity are the known state variables.
    Mitch: This sentence tells me there's a problem but doesn't say anything about the solution technique. -  Measurements are of the state variable kind (e.g., wind), but there are numerous physical process variables that are unaccounted for that shape these state variables constantly and the Stalker method addresses that fundamental deficiency in the computational fluid science.
    James: The problem is interpolation/extrapolation of state variables to unknown locations, which is a fundamental flaw. Different sets of physical processes (e.g., cloud phase changes, solar radiation) may lead to the same state variable magnitude. By interpolating based on the state variables to unknown locations, those underlying physical process influences are unaccounted for (i.e., no measurements are available for those physical process variables). In other words, interpolation of a state variable of the same magnitude in a cloudy day and a sunny day will be the incorrectly the same. This is the problem that the Stalker method addresses.

    Mitch: This is a truism -  because we do not have any measurements for the future.
    Mitch: Give an example of resources to be - Decisions on optimizing resources within a country, loss mitigation, and adaptation for climate change, for example.
    James: Countrywide maps are expensive to generate without securing a contract. My proposals include a validation component for each country. I have attached a few examples (wind speed, temperature, and solar radiation) over project specific areas, from my simulation platform.
    Mitch and I completed our conversation with the understanding that there are two distinct aspects to this discussion. 1. to understand the science and technology better and 2. to learn about the professional and career development opportunities for professionals in countries around the world.
    I am happy to elaborate on both aspects in a seminar that I can conduct when dozen or more people sign up (email me at info@... with interest).

    James Stalker Ph.D.,A.M.ASCE
    President & CEO
    RESPR, Inc.
    Tolland CT