Thanks for the article citation, Tirza. Really interesting national level data. Regional breakouts would be informative, too. I suspect Lori's point is spot on. A few years ago the small consulting firms and public agencies recruiting at MSU were offering starting salaries well below the going rate at large consulting firms and a fraction of the industrial giants. They seemed bewildered when I showed them the job offers our grads were getting. The only grads accepting the low-paying jobs were doing it to stay close to family and friends. States and localities may be handcuffed by their salary regulations but smaller consulting firms just need to do the research and compete.
William McAnally Ph.D., P.E., D.CE, D.NE, F.ASCE
Columbus MS
Original Message:
Sent: 10-14-2021 09:51 AM
From: Tirza Austin
Subject: Civil Engineering Graduation Rates
That's a really interesting question. I'm not aware of a report on this specifically, but would love to know if one exists. I did want to mention ASCE published the 2021 Salary Survey this week. You may be interested in a brief summary here.
Tirza Austin
Manager, Online Community
American Society of Civil Engineers
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191
Original Message:
Sent: 10-12-2021 08:16 AM
From: Steven Brown
Subject: Civil Engineering Graduation Rates
We are experiencing trouble recruiting qualified engineers to fill vacant positions which I'm hearing is not an exclusive problem. Is anyone aware of national data that compares the current retirement rate of Baby Boomers to the rate of Gen Z engineer graduates? I'm guessing there is a sizeable gap in the two rates that is contributing to a shortage of job applicants. After an extended search on the internet I have not been able to find any good data on this subject.
Steven Sampson Brown A.M.ASCE
Project Manager
City of Dubuque Engr. Dept.
Dubuque, IA