ASCE provides a healthy number of free research papers each month. The following is a list of free publications content for the month of March 2024. These papers are also featured on the following page while they are open:
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I'll be sharing these papers each month to encourage discussion on some of these topics. I'll also be tagging these posts as "ASCE Papers" for you to easily access in the future. Please feel free to comment on other areas where you might like to see additional research as well!
Open through 4/30/2024
Optimal Abort Guidance and Experimental Verification Based on Feature Learning
Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Short-Term Structural Response of Integral Abutment Bridge Approach Slabs Subjected to Live Loading and Thermal Effects
Journal of Bridge Engineering
Framework to Enhance Gender Inclusion of Workers in Construction Sites
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Synthesis of Scientific and Social Facts: Evolution of a Principled Pragmatic Framework for Decision Making
Journal of Environmental Engineering
Cadia TSF Failure Assessment Considering Triggering and Posttriggering Mechanisms
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Laplace-Domain Fluid–Structure Interaction Solutions for Water Hammer Waves in a Pipe
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Effects of Bottom-Up Blockage on Entrance Loss Coefficients and Head-Discharge Relationships for Pipe Culvert Inlets: Comparisons of Theoretical Methods and Experimental Results
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Data-Driven Bridge Maintenance Cost Estimation Framework for Annual Expenditure Planning
Journal of Management in Engineering
Effect of GGBS Content and Water/Geopolymer Solid Ratio on the Mechanical, Elevated Temperature Resistance, and Sorptivity Properties of FA/GGBS-Based Geopolymer Concrete
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Thrust Restraint of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Internal Pressure, Thermal, and Earthquake Loads
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice
Incorporating Modeling Uncertainties in the Collapse Assessment of Capacity-Designed Steel Moment Frames under Seismic Loading
Journal of Structural Engineering
sUAS LiDAR and Photogrammetry Evaluation in Various Surfaces for Surveying and Mapping
Journal of Surveying Engineering
Stormwater-Retaining Ground Surface Depressions of Solar Photovoltaic Farms
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment
Integrating Railroad Crossing Blockage Information in First Responder Dispatching Route Planning
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
Localization of Transient Pressure Sources in Water Supply Networks with Connectivity Uncertainty
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
The Warning Lexicon: A Multiphased Study to Identify, Design, and Develop Content for Warning Messages
Natural Hazards Review
Recent Development of 3D-Printing Technology in Construction Engineering
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
Open through 5/31/2024
Estimation of Economic Impacts of Climate-Driven Hazards Using Stochastic Process Model
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering
Housing Development through the BIM Methodology to Reach the Powerhouse Standard by Applying Rammed-Earth Techniques and Solar Energy
Journal of Architectural Engineering
Bringing Social Justice Context into Civil Engineering Courses for First-Year and Third-Year Students
Journal of Civil Engineering Education
Thaw Consolidation Properties of Fine-Grained Permafrost Soils of the Mackenzie Valley, Canada
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
Degradation of GFRP Bars with Epoxy and Vinyl Ester Matrices in a Marine Concrete Environment: An Experimental Study and Theoretical Modeling
Journal of Composites for Construction
Time-Varying Evaluation of Compound Drought and Hot Extremes in Machine Learning–Predicted Ensemble CMIP5 Future Climate: A Multivariate Multi-Index Approach
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Modeling and Understanding Dispute Causation in the US Public–Private Partnership Projects
Journal of Infrastructure Systems
Causes and Retrofits of Fatigue Cracking in the Braced Truss of Steel Box-Girder Longitudinal Diaphragms on a Cable-Stayed Bridge
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
Sustainable Housing Design Potentials in Palestine: A Focus on the Spontaneous Urban Design Form
Journal of Urban Planning and Development
Open through 6/30/2024
Effects of In Situ Stress and Multiborehole Cluster on Hydraulic Fracturing of Shale Gas Reservoir from Multiscale Perspective
Journal of Energy Engineering
Health Risk Assessment of Different Sources of Metals in PM10 and PM2.5 in the Largest City in Northeast India
Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste