Hi Mitchell! very good topic, great point on this, facial as a simple yet a form of communication, "A single peace of our complex behaviors"
"We can't be happy all the time - so we can't be sad all the time. So the old piano teacher said to me: you cannot please Greeks and Trojans!"
So this parabola graph says much about our lives "that can strongly be demonstrated in passive - aggressive actions sometimes," unnecessary but necessary to understand.
When I was playing soccer against an opposing team in the past, someone has used their motives in trying to defend their views just in order to win, but he was wrong.
A lot of unpleased reactions including verbally or facial simultaneously will happen if you respond against that.
I think the essential role in these situations, for us humans, is to recognize How we can perceive these fragments of mismatched responses, and what we can do for that,
Will we give ourselves and other people explanations for that? Maybe try to understanding their parabola cycles or reasons.
So we can identity the problems the curved lines the person are getting through, this means we know how to care, and behavior for the best of situation!
Another problem is that the human mind is complex, we sometimes have several archetypes, and use it unconsciousness sometimes in different situations as required by society.
Look in the way we must appear in pictures to society or which is the way would like to appear to yourself?
An environment set of rules that can impact expressions but can give you an opportunity to express who truly you are is the best one.
I think sometimes the world demands to much of us, that we have to adapt in those ways, that those facial expressions maybe be sometimes mind emitting public symbols to what our body will result suffer in a situation, in other worlds, can be anticipating suffer or we are ready for the new overload experiences (try to endure).
"these represent ourselves in a really true way sometimes, but no one can't know it if not able to know what is happening sometimes."
Andre Newinski S.E., A.M.ASCE
Engenheiro Estrutural
Santo Angelo
Original Message:
Sent: 02-08-2022 08:32 AM
From: Mitchell Winkler
Subject: Mismatched Facial Expressions - Have You Encountered and How Did You React?
Have you ever encountered the situation when the facial response you received from another person was completely mismatched to the question or situation and how did you react? This has happened to me and it is very off putting. It can really put you on your back foot in terms of how to respond. This first happened to me years ago when I went to talk to one of our technical experts at the time. The facial response I received was cold and distant. There are multiple possibilities here but it could have been a situation of mismatched facial response. I recently finished Malcolm Gladwell's book Talking to Strangers where he discussed mismatched behaviors including facial response. Gladwell has his fans and detractors but I find his books insightful and do not always take his points at face value. A quick read on mismatched facial expressions that I found on the web after finishing Gladwell's book can be found here.
Mitch Winkler P.E., M.ASCE
Houston, TX