I'm loving all the photos of people in their projects!
I'm proud of so many of my projects it's hard to pick just one. In the early years I worked on multiple projects at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure, City Walk, and Magic Kingdom. Those were amazing experiences that set the bar high in so many ways. Fast-forward to today and my role in projects are very different. I still have varying technical duties but more often its involved in project conceptualization, finance, risk management, and legal issues.
One particularly challenging project involved multiple investment firms, multiple non-profits, lawyers, designers, theme artists, architects, engineers of all disciplines, tight finance models, poor weather, and many many community stakeholders to create an environment people want to be in. This project had a full athletic center managed by a YMCA, a performing arts center, a church, a coffee house, a sculpture garden, a daycare, an aquatic center (including an Olympic pool and a splash pad), multiple indoor gyms, a community greenway, and outdoor sports fields.
But what I'm always most proud of is when I see hundreds and sometimes thousands of people enjoying their time in the spaces I've contributed to. I didn't want to post photos of the masses of people from my project openings without their permission but I try to get photos of the end product showing people enjoying the space.
Because That is when I am most proud! - people enjoying the built environment, interacting with one another, and lives made better!
Jesse Kamm PhD, PMP, A.M.ASCE
Senior Vice President of Construction Management
Original Message:
Sent: 09-24-2019 16:09
From: Jameelah Ingram
Subject: What project has given you a sense of pride?
One reason I chose to become a structural engineer is the pride that comes with bringing a project to fruition. Watching a structure or project grow from a concept on paper to being in service for travelers is extremely gratifying. Through various projects, I am learning how the path from an idea to the actual ribbon cutting takes a team effort, an efficient use of time, and a lot of brainpower!
I am currently working on the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA) Purple Line Light Rail Transit Project. The project team has been commemorating the journey at various milestones, prior to completion. It is a 16-mile light-rail line in Maryland with 21 stations that will extend from Bethesda in Montgomery County to New Carrollton in Prince George's County.
One of the milestones included a Topping Out Ceremony for the Glenridge Operations & Maintenance Facility:
A ceremony also took place for the placement of the first rail:
I can't wait to ride the Purple Line when it is all finished! In the meantime, commemorating the journey along the way has given me much pride and I'm excited to be a part of it.
What project has given you a sense of pride?
Jameelah Ingram, P.E., M.ASCE
Washington, D.C.