Like Jiamin, I'm also involved with EWRI. I started out being involved at the national level, rather than the local level, thanks to my Ph.D. advisor and my post-doc boss. Since then, I've been actively involved with the Urban Water Resources Research Council.
Like Jiamin, the connections have been great. The people in my institute were my mentors and many are people who I read when I was putting together my Ph.D. So my first council meeting left me awestruck as I was thinking, "I just cited you."
After 15 years of involvement, it's still the people. Now I'm moving into the gray hair group and I'm loving making contacts with the future of our profession.
Shirley Clark P.E., D.WRE, M.ASCE
Penn State Harrisburg
Middletown PA
(717) 948-6127
Penn State HarrisburgProfessor
Original Message:
Sent: 02-06-2019 20:33
From: Stephanie Slocum
Subject: The benefits of ASCE Institutes
I recently watched a free webinar (Click HERE to watch) about ASCE's Structural Engineering Institute, where a few members were telling stories about how they got involved and how they had personally benefitted from it. It made me think about all the benefits I've gained from being involved.
Are you involved in one of ASCE's institutes (and if so, which one)? What is the top benefit you've received and why?
Stephanie Slocum P.E., M.ASCE
Engineers Rising LLC