"The last week has been incredibly trying times for our state," writes ASCE Texas Section 2016-2017 President Craig B. Thompson, P.E., M.ASCE, in a special Hurricane Harvey response and recovery message to Section members. "It is during times like these that we fully realize the power of a community and an organization like ours. The word 'resilient' can mean a lot of things but to me it's the ability to withstand and, then, recover from an event like this storm. As civil engineers and members of ASCE Texas Section, we will play our part in the recovery effort."
Read Thompson's post on the "complete devastation" he witnessed and what the Texas Section aims to do in response. CECON 2017, the Texas Civil Engineering Conference, Sept. 20–22, in San Marcos will go on as scheduled.
John Marston
Reston VA