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  • 1.  Structural Surprises

    Posted 13 days ago

    I keep coming across this story about a letter that was placed inside some false columns at the National Gallery to celebrate their eventual demolition and thinking about the things I've seen and heard about being unearthed during construction and demolition. I recently toured an old building being renovated in my area and the antique dolls, medication bottles, and notes they had been finding in the walls were incredible! I'm curious, what's the most interesting or weirdest thing you've rediscovered at work? 

    Renn Henry, PE
    Staff Engineer

  • 2.  RE: Structural Surprises

    Posted 4 days ago

    At an internship, I was once on a job site in an older part of Philadelphia where an existing parcel was being excavated. The contractor uncovered an old basement that had been previously buried. I recall them digging up some old glassware. I was surprised, but I recall the contractor not being phased at all.

    In my current role, I occasionally review plans of the same city that date back as far as 1800. Usually I am searching for something in the old sewer specifications, and occasionally, the draftsman back then listed nearby landmarks to assist with location and orientation.  To this day I remain curious as to what the "candy storage room" called out on an old drawing actually looked like. 

    Christopher Seigel P.E., M.ASCE
    Civil Engineer