Mitch, I believe we can summarize it in one word: opportunity. Opportunity to learn, opportunity to teach, opportunity to bring forth one's technical and other skills (e.g., business development), opportunity to help one's community, country, and the world, just to name a few. A professional society has to motivate members to focus on this type of opportunities. ASCE seems to do a better job than many other societies I have experience with, but there is a lot of room to improve. I hope this is helpful.
James Stalker Ph.D.,A.M.ASCE
President & CEO
Tolland CT
Original Message:
Sent: 11-15-2020 09:09 PM
From: Mitchell Winkler
Subject: Seeking Feedback on What Makes for a Value Adding Discussion Topic?
It would be great to get your feedback on you think makes for a valuable discussion topic? Ideas are also welcomed for topics that you'd like to see introduced or better covered. While engineering is serious business it's also okay to have something fun and light and now and then for balance, so think about this too.
Mitch Winkler P.E., M.ASCE
Houston, TX