Hi Kenneth,
The best advice I received when I started my own business came from an architect friend of mine and I think it may apply to the engineering practice as well. He told me, "the number one thing you need are clients, the rest you'll figure out along the way."
@David Urena had good advice to keep expenses low. I thought I would need all kinds of software, a new computer, an office etc but like David mentioned, I too quickly found out I needed none of that. In my current role we routinely hire distance based employees that need meeting space and office space. I see a lot of parallels for them as I did when I started my consulting firm. I found it very hard in the beginning, as I spent time trying to be a marketer and salesperson. The main difference in starting a company vs starting a branch may be the amount of start up capital afforded. It's much easier when you have shared resources from the "mothership".
Congrats to those branching out. A healthy number of friends have achieved success in starting their own firms and I wish you all the best!
Jesse Kamm PhD, PMP, A.M.ASCE
Senior Vice President of Construction Management
Original Message:
Sent: 09-16-2019 09:54
From: Kenneth Mika
Subject: Recommendations for opening an office or starting a business
Every once and awhile you hear of a new office opening up for a company or a completely new company starting. Does anyone have experience in opening a new office for a company or completely starting a new company? If so, do you have any points for individuals that are doing the same thing that they should keep in mind based upon your experiences?
Kenneth Mika, PE M.ASCE