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  • 1.  Q. What is your plan/objectives/strategies to raise the level of your project's results?

    Posted 08-01-2024 03:14 PM

    Q. What is your strategy for change?[1]

    Our research identified that the top ten root causes of error were:

    1.  Inadequate planning
    2.  Late design changes
    3.  Poorly communicated design information
    4.  Poor culture in relation to quality
    5.  Poorly coordinated design information
    6.  Inadequate attention paid in the design to construction
    7.  Excessive commercial (financial and time) pressure
    8.  Poor interface management and design
    9.  Ineffective communication between team members
    10.  Inadequate supervisory skills.



    p.s. And I do not think the causes are "News."

    William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
    Buffalo, N.Y.

    "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880

  • 2.  RE: Q. What is your plan/objectives/strategies to raise the level of your project's results?

    Posted 21 days ago

    Bill, hope project team and managers would find something good from the proposed GRI checklist. Or that – they will at least check and compare them with their own manuals and strategies – to see whether or not there are any uniqueness in GRI.

    GRI checklist has mentioned 'communication/coordination' – 3 times (in 3, 5 and 9). Wonder, how much efforts have gone into making the checklist – in terms of examining and reexamining the items and contexts they proposed.

    I always find it useful to see things through the lens of causes ↔ conditions; in other words not treating project works and team management as something linear in the fashion of a checklist – rather as something interdependent and interactive. This approach complements and augments the spirit of mutual respect and cooperative pursuits.



    Dr. Dilip K Barua, Ph.D

    Website Links and Profile

  • 3.  RE: Q. What is your plan/objectives/strategies to raise the level of your project's results?

    Posted 21 days ago

    Thanks Dilip!

    Re: "rather as something interdependent and interactive."

    Of course, you are right on point!

    From my perspective, the root-causes of error, for at least 60% of what goes wrong,

    are those who sit in the C-suite.

    The culprits?

    Greed and ignorance.

    To be clear, ignorance is not "Stupid" but instead simply not knowing.



    William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
    Buffalo, N.Y.

    "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880

  • 4.  RE: Q. What is your plan/objectives/strategies to raise the level of your project's results?

    Posted 17 days ago

    As usual, you are very generous with kind words, Bill. Thanks for that.

    Yes, 'stupidity' has not nothing to do 'ignorance'.

    • As I see it – ignorance is like a veil of darkness under which lack of clarity and confusion prevail – preventing one from seeing things as they are. It lets one to view unessential to be essential and the essential to be unessential.

    • And, those endowed with power – when arrogance and hubris overtake them – fail to appreciate the necessity of the light of wisdom in seeing and doing things right. With the help from their skill – compounded by the effects of such attitudes and ignorance – their actions are deliberately geared towards serving some purposes. And, more often than not, such purposes are nothing but maximizing selfish gains. And, one can imagine, by the very nature of the reality that they hold many people's strings – their actions damage the interests of others, causing harm.



    Dr. Dilip K Barua, Ph.D

    Website Links and Profile

  • 5.  RE: Q. What is your plan/objectives/strategies to raise the level of your project's results?

    Posted 15 days ago

    So, Dilip, to your insights a bit further:

    "And, those endowed with power – when arrogance and hubris overtake them – fail to appreciate the necessity

    of the light of wisdom in seeing and doing things right."

    Two observations are offered:

    1. Most who sit in these "organizational power chairs" never had the benefit of education and training to know better.
    2. If we direct their attention to www.deming.org they will find Deming's SoPK and his 14 Points.



    William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
    Buffalo, N.Y.

    "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880

  • 6.  RE: Q. What is your plan/objectives/strategies to raise the level of your project's results?

    Posted 13 days ago

    Good thinking, Bill. Your passion about these aspects continues to enlighten us.

    . . . "organizational power chairs" never had the benefit of education and training to know better . . . Perhaps, right education and training, shall we say!

    • All leaders and managers come up with certain leadership and management philosophy and strategy, otherwise they would not have been selected. The question is whether they are control-oriented or effectiveness oriented, short-sighted or long-term viewers, etc – one can go on and on, expanding the list. Either way of managing can be affected when the individual is overtaken by arrogance and hubris – because such attitudes inhibit the spirit of collective pursuits, adaptation and accommodation, among others – and it is more for the former type than others.

    • I think I came across Dr. Deming's management points or variants of them – while ago, perhaps while writing the Leadership and Management article. Among others, I like, especially: . . . 8. Drive out fear . . . 9. break down barriers between departments . . . from his checklist. It would have been much better, if, create an aura of mutual respect is included somewhere in the list . . . A leader is at best when he or she avoids being bossy – because bossy attitude creates distance and invites indignation, envy and unwelcome responses from team members and associates . . . In any case, I hope, the checklist is benefiting the target audience.

    • But, as I said somewhere else – a mechanistic dependence on checklists without letting people to understand the rationale and philosophy behind them – may result in lapses, boredom and ineffectiveness during the pursuance – to the extent of giving the feeling that they are something imposed. Perhaps, the materials in the SoPK – are the right answers to that concern.

    • Therefore, right education that stresses on interdependence and interactiveness of things – on the dynamics of causes ↔ conditions is so important.



    Dr. Dilip K Barua, Ph.D

    Website Links and Profile