"I need to be able to proactively manage projects and programs."
Basic Assumption: Following Notes *NOT* Intended To Support Solving An Unknown Program/Project "Challenge."
1. Collaboratively start the program/project deliberately transforming a group of professionals assigned to work together
from being a
"Project Group" into a
"Project Team." It does not happen by simply starting to call them
"My Team!"2. At your first Project Group work session, using an Excel spread sheet, on the lefthand side, write vertically down, words like
communications, budgets, Tech Resources, work orders, time sheets, suppliers, outside consultants, agencies, Feds, State Regs,
i.e., those common issues that we all eventually get to address during the life of doing real project work.
3. Now, horizontally across the top of that Excel sheet, write the numbers, one per column, from 1 to 5.
4. Now, ask your Project Group folks, by themselves, based on their own individual past project experiences, to rate their level of
satisfaction with each of those issues listed vertically under the lefthand side, with
"1" being
"Poor," and "5" being
"Great!"5. Give them 3 to 4 minutes.
6. Now, working horizontally, item/issue by item/issue, tally up the scores.
7. Have the Project Group select the worst (lowest) scores for the
"Top 3" issues.
8. Ask them if, for this new project,
"Can we work together to get those scores on our project up to a "4"?The rest will begin to fall into place.
Of course, there's more.
But until you can begin building trust with your folks,
"ya ain't go'n no where."Cheers.
William Hayden Ph.D., P.E., CP, F.ASCE
Management Quality By Design, Inc.
Amherst NY
Original Message:
Sent: 04-03-2017 15:00
From: Douglas Sereno
Subject: Project management reports
In my career in program management, I have struggled with the types of reports I need to be able to proactively manage projects and programs. I have cost reports galore that give me a history of expenses, but not much on project performance or how to proactively manage issues and expenditure trends. Other than earned value (EV) and forecast-at-completion (FAC), what other metrics and reports have helped you to proactively manage large programs?
Douglas Sereno P.E., D.PE, ENV SP, F.ASCE
Anaheim CA