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  • 1.  Invitation to all ASCE and Institute Committees to Broaden Awareness of your Activities and Contributions on Collaborate

    Posted 11-22-2024 10:33 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 12-09-2024 05:07 PM

    We hope you will accept our invitation to tell our community about your committee and showcase a recent success story. This could also be an opportunity to seek broader input on an issue your committee might be struggling with. It's also an opportunity to increase the talent pipeline as others can see how their knowledge and experience can be applied to better the profession.

    William McAnally’s post below from the Navigation Engineering Subcommittee is an excellent go-by to help with ideas and inspiration. Also, please consider creating a new, stand alone, post. There are over 1000 committees and this will help us and also bring greater attention to your work and achievements.

    We look forward to your energetic responses and further building our Collaborate community. 

    Mitch Winkler, on behalf of the Collaborate Topic Moderator Team

    Mitch Winkler P.E.(inactive), M.ASCE
    Houston, TX

  • 2.  RE: Invitation to all ASCE and Institute Committees to Broaden Awareness of your Activities and Contributions on Collaborate

    Posted 11-22-2024 11:03 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 12-09-2024 01:10 PM
    Hi Mitch Winkler and Collaborate Topic Moderator Team,
    I'm Sam Rana, a civil engineering student from Delhi Technological University, India, and I'm excited to respond to your invitation to share our committee's activities, contributions, and success stories on Collaborate.
    I'm currently re-establishing ASCE DTU and starting the ASCE CE Engineering Club at my alma mater high school. Additionally, I'm working on a startup focused on transportation engineering. Our goal is to provide innovative solutions to real-world problems and make a positive impact in our community.
    I'd love to showcase our recent success stories and seek broader input on some of the challenges we're facing. I'm particularly interested in exploring opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing with other ASCE committees and professionals.
    I'd appreciate guidance on how to get started with sharing our committee's story and engaging with the Collaborate community.
    Thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to your response.
    Best regards,
    Sam Rana
    +91 9711153911 

    Sam Rana S.M.ASCE
    New Delhi

  • 3.  RE: Invitation to all ASCE and Institute Committees to Broaden Awareness of your Activities and Contributions on Collaborate

    Posted 11-22-2024 12:44 PM

    Navigation Engineering Subcommittee

    Navigation Engineering – focused on safe, sustainable, and effective navigable waterways – seems like a narrow niche, but it punches above its weight in economics and environment.

    • Supports $ Trillion contribution to U.S. economy
    • Most sustainable transport mode per ton-mile

    Our committee, a subcommittee of COPRI's Waterways Committee, contributes in multiple ways. Some examples:

    • Published 6 ASCE Manuals of Practice
    • Held Conference Workshops

    o   Best Practices: Navigation Channel Sedimentation

    o   Sediment Management Technologies

    o   The Future of the Inland Navigation System 

    • Produced 7 ASCE webinars

    o   Navigation Engineering: Basics

    o   Navigation Channel Design

    o   River Information Services

    o   Dredging Fundamentals

    o   Sustainability and Resilience

    o   Sediment Management 

    o   Intro to MOP 156

    Please contact me if you'd like to join us or need more information.

    William McAnally Ph.D., P.E., BC.CE, BC.NE, F.ASCE
    Columbus MS