I speak halting French, but have used it only on one occasion. When I was AWWA President in 1998 I attended the Quebec Section's annual conference in Montreal. For my speech to their board, I worked assiduously for two days to prepare my remarks in French. Everything went well, and the board expressed a rather emotional appreciation. As my wife, Diane and I left the boardroom, I remarked "Did you see that? They were in tears over my speech!" She retorted, with wifely cynicism "That's because you slaughtered their language."
Seriously, I am on the board of a startup company, ECO Water Technologies. We have multiple prospects in Central America. Our chief engineer is bilingual and originally from Columbia. His language skills have been indispensable, in translation of documents, marketing and start-up assistance.
I think that language skills skills are very valuable to an engineer. Of course it depends on the project or client location, and the matching language.
Bevin Beaudet P.E.,M.ASCE
Bevin A. Beaudet, P.E., LLC.
West Palm Beach FL
Original Message:
Sent: 04-13-2019 18:44
From: Natalya Sokolovskaya
Subject: Foreign languages and engineering
Did speaking a foreign language have an impact on your engineering career?
While speaking another language is great for personal fulfillment, I was surprised by how few times it was useful for me professionally.
In ten or so years working for small to medium companies, it only came up twice, and one of the times was during an internship abroad.
Curious if others have had a different experience. I suspect, things are different at larger international firms and companies outside of the US.
Natalya Sokolovskaya P.E.,M.ASCE
Wynnewood PA