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  • 1.  Finding a place as a graduate student

    Posted 01-06-2021 02:58 PM
    Hello everyone,
    I'm hoping to start a discussion on a topic that I think deserves more attention: graduate students in ASCE.

    As an undergraduate student (up until 6 months ago), I was heavily involved in my university's ASCE chapter. I spent several years in the organisation, met some amazing engineers, built a network of professionals that I could reach out to for advice. But the pandemic changed a lot of those things. I graduated with my Environmental Engineering degree (therefore, no longer a student member) and I moved across the US to start graduate school. In the process, I lost the support system I had at my local ASCE chapter and it's been tough finding a new chapter to connect with in my new city since the pandemic has essentially halted all in-person events.

    Pondering on my situation, I have a few question to pose to all of you:
    1. Where do graduate students fit in ASCE's organisational structure?
    2. How can graduate students (and their research) support ASCE's goals?
    3. How do I find and connect with my new local ASCE/EWRI chapter?
    4. What resources exist within ASCE to support graduate students and their career goals?

    I'd love to hear any thoughts and comments on the subject.

    I hope all of you continue to stay healthy!

    Marina D'souza A.M.ASCE
    Boulder, CO


  • 2.  RE: Finding a place as a graduate student

    Posted 01-12-2021 11:11 PM

    I know how hard it is to find a new network after moving to another city. I agree with you that there is not a clear place for graduate students within the ASCE organization. I would say, you are still a student so I would encourage you to be part of the student chapter. If that is not possible, I would encourage you to join the local YMG. I see you are in Boulder? Feel free to reach out to me as I am in Broomfield and really active in the Denver YMG (Currently serve as the Vice President). We are always looking for people to help out. 

    I connected to the local chapter by looking up the current officers and emailing them. That is the easiest way. Students are a crucial part of the ASCE organizational structure but unfortunately there is a lot of disconnect between National and the student chapters. This is a big know issue that hopefully can be addressed soon! 

    Feel free to reach out if you want to talk further, would like to get you connected with the rest of the ASCE Denver YMG members.

    Luis Duque EIT, A.M.ASCE
    Bridge Engineer
    Broomfield CO