Re: "What are ways in which the work environment can be positively impacted?"
The sociocultural climate within an organization is driven by the routine behaviors of those in the C-suite, Execs., and Sr. Mgrs.
The people observe the behaviors, and act accordingly.
Just like in the home.
Children listen to their parents and watch them.
i.e., what they say vs. what they do.
Given the continued absence of engineering education including sociocultural knowledge,
it is not unusual for proclamations of "We are all one!" to be written and said,
while behaviors continue diametrically opposed.
William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
Buffalo, N.Y.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880
Original Message:
Sent: 01-14-2023 01:23 PM
From: Dilip Barua
Subject: Factors impacting work environment
In addition to some great contributions we have seen – I am tempted to add a few more.
Mutual respect must define a good work environment. Each and every one in an org – irrespective of where they stand on the hierarchical ladder – contributes to an org's success. Therefore in absence of mutual appreciation and respect – things start to veer towards the direction of negative energy proliferation. Many orgs have lofty words in their policy materials – but the reality is often far from what are promoted and pursued – oftentimes under the clout of confidentiality.
We all process and work differently – because no two persons are the same. It implies that – while one tries to work with all sincerity and energy – it may not appear as such to someone. When this someone happens to be on the seat of power – things start to veer towards the wrong direction. Again patience, respect and appreciation – must come into the limelight in an org's policy materials and actual practice.
All must be given the space (Christopher's point) to enjoy the work. It is healthy and works both ways. A toxic atmosphere giving rise to misunderstandings and irresponsible spread of falsehood and rumors (Bill's point) – costs the victim – his or her livelihood and reputation. Most often it does not stop there – as well taking a bite off an org's reputation and ultimately its business.
Dr Dilip K Barua, PhD
Original Message:
Sent: 01-13-2023 09:48 AM
From: William McAnally
Subject: Factors impacting work environment
Super question, Lydie. Vital ingredients in a positive workplace include honesty and as much transparency as possible. I've worked in organizations where leaders withheld information or worse, misled their subordinates. The topic might be essential financial health or just news of who was doing what. It was a poisonous atmosphere that caused others to obfuscate and even lie. Rumors ruled and the work suffered. However, I've also worked where leaders' honest and frequent communication kept everyone informed and ready to emulate that honesty. Honest communications work both ways -- no one is blindsided by bad news and morale-killing rumors can't grow.
William McAnally Ph.D., P.E., D.CE, D.NE, F.ASCE
Columbus MS
Original Message:
Sent: 12-09-2022 09:23 AM
From: Lydie Edith Uwantege
Subject: Factors impacting work environment
What are ways in which the work environment can be positively impacted?
1.From an employer's perspective,
- what are you willing to contribute towards motivating your employees and creating a conducive space for them to deliver efficiently?
2.From an employee's perspective,
- what do you think you can contribute to preserve a positive environment for your fellow colleagues?
- what are you willing to contribute, to ensure effective delivery of your employers expectations?
[Lydie] [Uwantege] [CEng, P.E., M.ASCE]
Civil Engineer