I think that unless the whole plan set is as a whole one discipline, it may be wise to continue to seal each sheet separately. It will help reduce unintended liability. Our company will continue to seal individual sheets of design and for construction drawings because it helps us better control the content of the sheets.
As transportation agency, I would guess that many of your projects have more than one discipline. I tried years ago to figure our how to seal a cover sheet with multiple disciplines, and it ended up looking like a grid of seals with sheet numbers above each seal. It was not a pretty picture, and we only had 6 engineers on our project. It also required us to move everything except the seals, project name and City logo off the title sheet. The City was not happy to have to reduce the size of their logo in order for us to fit all the seals on the page.
I also think that if you do seal the cover sheet only, you need to state that the seal applies to "Sheets 1, 2,3 dated ???". Common dating, and updating the date in the non-cover sheets will need to be carefully regulated within your teams.
I think the real reason that they implemented the seal the cover rule is for final record set and record drawings. It is easy to reference a bunch of sheets with a previous seal by the seal date. The front sheet could contain the whole required wording including our normal record drawing disclaimers which in our companies case take up a whole 3"x8" space, and the rest of the sheets contain a simple "Record Drawing per Engineering Company on Date" notation. We are working on the specific wording for the sheets behind the cover for record drawings to reduce the use of our large record drawing "stamp" that we use. I think that all pages behind the first will look something like this:
July 1, 1919.
I have not decided if we will sign over the annotation. I hope that this helps. I do think that we will be adding a blank space along our title block margin for us to put the simple record drawing notation on the sheets behind the first so that we will have a place to put the record notation in. Currently our record drawings have the larger stamp located all over the place in blank spaces on sheets.
The Colorado State board is really helpful. If you have an idea that you want to make sure complies, send them an email with specifics. They have responded pretty quickly to my questions in the past. I am also pretty sure that they have examples available for distribution but have not personally asked for help with this.
Dwayne Culp, Ph.D., Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE
Culp Engineering, LLC
Rosenberg TX
Original Message:
Sent: 11-06-2020 11:20 AM
From: Chris Enright
Subject: Example Sealed Cover Page for Drawing Set?
Hello all,
Our state (Colorado) has just changed the board rules on the placement of seals and signatures to allow for all the seals on the cover page of a bound planset (or digital single file), and my workgroup has been struggling a bit with the implementation. Does anyone have good examples of a cover sheet with stamp/signature/caveats that they'd be willing to share? I have been unsuccessful with straightforward Google searches and without knowing where this practice is allowed or happens, it's challenging to even start a more thorough search.
(Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask)
Thank you!
New Board rules (change is on p 38): https://www.sos.state.co.us/CCR/DisplayRule.do?action=ruleinfo&ruleId=2312&deptID=18&agencyID=99&deptName=Department%20of%20Regulatory%20Agencies&agencyName=Division%20of%20Professions%20and%20Occupations%20-%20Board%20of%20Architects,%20Engineers,%20and%20Land%20Surveyors&seriesNum=4%20CCR%20730-1
Chris Enright P.E.,M.ASCE
Colorado Department of Transportation
Golden CO