Dear Michael O'Connor
Thank you for your notification.
I recommend other members to join this meeting.
Reza Mokarramaydenlou Ph.D., C.Eng, P.E., S.E., M.ASCE
Structural Engineering and Seismic rehabilitation Consultant
Author of the book in Elsevier
Original Message:
Sent: 10-19-2020 03:47 PM
From: Michael O'Connor
Subject: DYK: This week in CE history- Happy 158th birthday to Robert Ridgeway!!!!
The CE history topic this week is Robert Ridgway (1862-1938) an American civil engineer and president of ASCE itself in 1925! October 19th is his birthday. He did not study engineering at any school, but worked 49 years for New York City in the construction of major projects, and became Chief Engineer of the Transit Commission in 1921. Ridgeway also became president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Metropolitan section. The Ridgway Awards are an annual award of the ASCE Met section named for him. Read about him in this article.
Each month on the first Thursday at noon (EDT), we have a zoom cast of Civil Engineering history available on Wikipedia. In the next meeting in November, we will be discussing Robert Ridgeway, Samuel Brent Whinery, Orlando Belina Wheeler, among others. Join us! Be civil and Wiki!This is the link: Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 913 9388 8805------------------------------
Michael O'Connor ,P.E., M.ASCE
Silver Spring MD
Michael O'Connor ,P.E., M.ASCE
Silver Spring MD