Thanks for taking the time to pose a question. I agree.
If you will allow me, I prefer to use the word efficacy. I consider things done with efficiency merely manage the current process. I think we need change based on maximizing efficacy - investing in activities that return value that exceeds the investment. This requires introspection, honest assessment, and prioritization in lines with our mission. It is assessment of benefit in terms of the Society, the profession, and the profession; a benefit triple bottom line.
To do this, we need to have an honest discussion of what the real value of activities are, divorced of emotion or tradition. This is the same concept when you apply a more traditional triple bottom line evaluation in life cycle cost analysis process, but now we are looking at the longer term benefit-cost ratio. A complex process, yes.
This will not be quick, but it is necessary. But we just don't need multiple facets of ASCE trying to do the same thing.
I believe the Society's fiscal situation facilitates this. With input from stakeholders, we need to challenge subjective valuations with objective metrics. The Task Committee for Committee Restructuring (a TC on which I served) started this process, but it was flawed. High levels of reserves and increasing revenues diminished the will for change. It is time to finish this job while acknowledging the value volunteer's gain from service as well as the value the Society gains. We need to assess the true value derived by the Society from the activities of geographic units and institutes. We need to focus on the professional, as well as the profession.
I feel that our current environment will provide the impetus to finally succeed.------------------------------
Dennis Truax Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE
2021 ASCE Pres.-Elect Candidate MState White End. Chair, Dept. Head, & Profess
Mississippi State University
Starkville MS
Original Message:
Sent: 03-16-2020 18:39
From: Sarah Klarich
Subject: Ask Me Anything: ASCE President-Elect Official Nominees
What are your plans for change to ensure ASCE is operating efficiently while still serving the needs of members and the industry? There appears to be room to simplify some convoluted structures and processes that currently compete for volunteer time and other resources such as funding.
Sarah Klarich P.E., M.ASCE
Civil Engineer
Denver CO
Original Message:
Sent: 03-15-2020 20:05
From: Tirza Austin
Subject: Ask Me Anything: ASCE President-Elect Official Nominees
The official nominees for 2021 ASCE president-elect are Maria Lehman, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE, and Dennis D. Truax, Ph.D., P.E., DEE, D.WRE, F.NSPE, F.ASCE. The successful nominee will serve as president-elect in 2021 and as Society president in 2022.
Both nominees have agreed to answer your questions on this thread. Their answers will not be published until both nominees have responded. This thread will be open from 7am Eastern time, March 16 until 7am Eastern time, March 17. The nominees will reply to all questions by Thursday, March 19.
- Please skim the thread before posting to avoid duplicate questions.
- Please keep questions concise.
- Moderators reserve the right to remove or consolidate duplicate questions.
- Questions may be edited for clarity and length.
- Just a reminder - questions must comply with the ASCE Collaborate Code of Conduct.
The Society's election will be conducted May 1 through June 1 via online balloting. You must be eligible to vote by April 1.
I look forward to seeing your questions and the nominees' responses!
Tirza Austin
Manager, Online Community
American Society of Civil Engineers
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191