ASCE provides a healthy number of free research papers each month. The following is a list of free publications content for the month of July and August. These papers are also featured on the following page while they are open: When you click on the link you will be leaving and directed to where you must re-enter your ASCE login credentials to access the free content. The login button is in the upper-right corner).I'll be sharing these papers each month to encourage discussion on some of these topics. I'll also be tagging these posts as "ASCE Papers" for you to easily access in the future. Please feel free to comment on other areas where you might like to see additional research as well!
Open through 7/31/2022
Novel Measure of Innovation: Application to the Onshore Wind Energy Sector in the US
Journal of Energy Engineering
Reliability-Based Calibration of New Design Procedure for Reinforced Concrete Columns under Simultaneous Confinement by Fiber-Reinforced Polymers and Steel
Journal of Composites for Construction
Recovering Loss of Productivity in Engineering
Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction
Navigating Federal and State HDD Guidelines for Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Crossings
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice
Behavior, Performance, and Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete/Steel Pipe/Steel H-Pile to Pile Cap Connections
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
Transforming between WGS84 Realizations
Journal of Surveying Engineering
Effects of Nonstationarity in Urban Land Cover and Rainfall on Historical Flooding Intensity in a Semiarid Catchment
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment
Open through 8/31/2022
Time-Series Prediction in Nodal Networks Using Recurrent Neural Networks and a Pairwise-Gated Recurrent Unit Approach
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering
Model-Based Testbed for Uncertainty Quantification in Building Control Systems with Advanced Sequences of Operation
Journal of Architectural Engineering
Laboratory Test of Second Log-Wake Law for Effects of Ice Cover and Wind Shear Stress on River Velocity Distributions
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
Recommendations for Investing in Infrastructure at the Intersection of Resilience, Sustainability, and Equity
Journal of Infrastructure Systems
Unintended Consequences of Performance-Based Building Code Amendment in New Zealand
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
Developing a Conceptual Framework for an Eco-Friendly Smart Urban Living
Journal of Urban Planning and Development
Tirza Austin
Senior Manager, Online Community
American Society of Civil Engineers
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191