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James Walter


Guidelines About Best Therapy Animals Many of us require various types of help to reduce depression with requests to finish everyday work throughout everyday life. A few people can not live freely without the help of individuals and exceptionally trained animals. These animals are trained for a special purpose and help an individual fight against trauma or any other disability. Moreover, many people mix up service animals, emotional support animals, and therapy animals. It is very important to mention here that all these three types of animals are different and you can easily get them if you have an ESA letter. Species of animals that fall in these three categories might match. But they are trained in a different way to do the required job. Therapy animals are specifically socialized and trained to provide comfort and affection to people who are going through stressful environments. Therapy animals can be commonly seen in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and disaster areas.  Therapy Dogs  Dogs are considered to be humans' best friends. There are so many species of dogs and fortunately, all types can be tamed and trained.  If you are looking for a therapy animal, an esa, or a service animal, dogs will be on the top of the availability list.  For emotional support, getting an esa dog is the top priority for most of the people. Similarly, people prefer to choose a dog as their therapy animal. Many people have probably come across a therapy dog at one point or another in their lifetime.  Therapy Horses Therapy horses are used for so many types of therapy treatments. Especially, adults and children with autism are recommended to get therapy sessions with a trained therapy horse. A horse is no doubt a large animal but is one of the most loyal animals towards humans and it makes it an excellent therapy animal. Therapy horses are great animals to help with mental health and are also used in equine-facilitated psychotherapy.  Therapy CatsGetting a therapy cat is obviously a less preferred choice than dogs or horses. But norwegian forest cat is easy to train and can be kept indoors just like dogs. They can help people who miss their pets during their stay at hospitals and nursing homes.  Many therapy cats learn to walk on a leash and can have a very calming presence for children in school, elderly in assisted living facilities, and other situations.  Therapy RabbitsA therapy animal must be calm, well trained, and well-behaving. Therapy rabbits are specially trained and need to be well-socialized and enjoy being handled and petted by people.  Plus, it is necessary for a therapy rabbit to be litter box trained.  Birds The parrots are very smart birds and are believed to have splendid personalities. They quickly bond with their owner for life. Birds like parrots can be trained to perch on a finger or shoulder and spend time with people. They are also believed to be friendly towards other animals including dogs and cat breeds. Parrots are low cost and easy to maintain which makes them one of the best options for therapy animals.  Fish Fish have personalities and form interactive communities in a tank, which are fun to watch, and individuals are fun to name. A fish can not be held in hand but its presence can pass on a lot of positive vibes. There is a reason aquariums are common in waiting rooms and clinics, lobbies, and hospitals.  They help people relax and calmly pass the time. Monkey Monkeys technically are considered exotic animals. Like dogs, monkeys have so many different species. Small monkeys like capuchins can make the best stellar therapy companions.  They are very intelligent, can read human behavior, and sense when a person is in emotional distress. A well-trained monkey is capable of responding according to the condition.     Related Resources: The Most Popular Pet Dog Breeds 20 Unbelievable Emotional Support Animals Lesser-Known Pet Dogs For Apartment Living An Easy Guide To Getting The ESA Letter