Take time to complete all the steps in setting up your profile. The more specific you can be, the more likely you are to have a successful mentoring relationship.
Select search options. Put in as many or few as you would like. The more specific you are the less search results you will receive.
3. Request a Discovery Call.
Send the potential Mentor/Mentee a personal message asking for a day/time to see if the relationship would be a good fit.
4. Introduce Yourself.
Tell a bit about yourself: where you work, what you do, what you are looking for in a Mentee/Mentor. Refer to the "
Talking Points" in the Resource Section.
5. Agree on Terms of Mentorship.
Agree on when, where, how often you will meet? Who will set up the meetings? How long will the meetings last? What is the best way to reach each other? How do you want the mentoring relationship organized? Refer to the
Partnership Policy.6. Meet as Agreed.
Be sure to follow through on the terms of mentorship. Meet as you have agreed. Make updates as needed.
7. Evaluate Mentorship.
If you would like to set up different mentoring relationship or continue with the mentoring relationship you are currently in, update your status to indicate this on the
Mentoring Relationships.