Nowadays advanced Timber Structural Engineering – Wood Composite CLT and LVL for Bridge and Building Construction with Steel Connection Elements
Open Source Wood by Dr. L. Haefner
Please check the 4 PDF documents: Graphic1a – 4a as unique Information!
L. Haefner, Dr.-Ing., P.E., Member ASCE + SEI
Email: drL.Haefner@...
IBH - Structural Engineering: 4 Lecturing + Training + Research (IBH-SE: 4L+T+R)
Sophie - Charlottenstr. 9 -10, 14059 BERLIN / Germany
Original Message:
Sent: 10-05-2018 01:33
From: Sayed Maqsood
Subject: Structural connection
Hello all,
Any suggestion on the type of connection to be used to connect a wood beam on the face of an HSS steel grade 60 ksi column? The beam is bolted for the erection purposes.
Sayed Maqsood S.M.ASCE
Oakland CA