ASCE 7 Chapter 13 section 13.1.1 begins by stating that it establishes criteria for components that are permanently attached to structures. Unless they are built in machines that are supported permanently by adding support elements and anchorages, then no part of Chapter 13 applies. Also, since vending machines aren't buildings, no other part of ASCE 7 would apply. The argument usually comes with trying to determine whether or not the component is permanent.
There's a circular argument here because if you do simply add an attachment, you've possibly made it permanent and it falls under Chapter 13.
Architectural components in Chapter 13 do include cabinets and library shelving for example. Table 13.5-1 is careful to state "permanent" repeatedly for both categories. It may obvious that if one is building a library that the shelving units will be attached with permanence. It's less obvious that an office building tenant has permanent book shelves even if they stay in the same room for years.
A vending machine moved into a building by the vendor that can be taken away just as easily when the vending contract runs out, or moved to another space at the convenience of the tenant. ASCE 7 doesn't apply to any other type of non-permanent fixture that a building user might bring in for their use. I can't say whether or not any local building jurisdictions or any other codes might have requirements for seismic bracing of these types of building contents. If they do it would have to be through reference to some other standard or their own written codes. In that case they would need to tell you what those are.
I think the issue is relegated to good practice and being proactive in the same way people connect free standing book shelves, cabinets and the like to walls at the top. There's not much doubt unsecured contents will slide around or tip over in a design EQ. If you do want to perform calculations for these types of restraints then ASCE 7 chapter 13 would be appropriate.
Brett King P.E., M.ASCE
Senior Structural Engineer
GHD Inc.
Lake Oswego OR
Original Message:
Sent: 02-04-2020 20:15
From: John Johansen
Subject: Seismic Bracing Requirement for Vending Machines
Looking for a code citation for seismic design requirements for vending machines in ASCE 7.
In Chapter 13, which is "Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Components", would vending machines fall under the exemption from the requirements for furniture; be considered a storage cabinet; or be considered a "mechanical and electrical component". Please cite chapter and verse for the basis of your thoughts if you can.
Thanks for your input.
John Johansen P.E., M.ASCE
Manager of Engineering, Environmental & Planning
Anchorage, AK