I agree with Eric Christensen regarding casting the embed plates into the precast piece when the piece cast, unless of course, the connection is a retrofit to a piece that is already cast. If it is a retrofit, I would utilize a post-installed anchor system that meets the ACI cracked concrete requirements and the seismic requirements for the area; I would not rely on a grouted shear stud type of connection into the vertical face of a precast member. Just my opinion after 48 years of practice...
Larry M. Swayze, P. E., M. ASCE
Senior Structural Consultant/Managing Member
L. M. Swayze Engineers, PLLC
Austin, TX
Original Message:
Sent: 10-22-2018 09:17
From: Eric Christensen
Subject: Horizontal Shear Studs
Why not have the precaster embed the connection plate instead of trying to grout the studs into a pocket? Then the field installation portion becomes a field weld instead of grouting; which I would think would be easier and more reliable.
Eric Christensen P.E., M.ASCE
Merrick & Company
Los Alamos NM
Original Message:
Sent: 10-09-2018 01:35
From: Sayed Maqsood
Subject: Horizontal Shear Studs
Hello all,
I'm looking for input in installing an HSS steel beam with horizontal welded shear studs at one end, while it's either welded or bolted on the other end. It can be seen in the case of connecting a precast wall to a concrete column. Beam is bolted to column but grouted into the face of the wall after studs embedded.
Sayed Maqsood S.M.ASCE
Oakland CA