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From Concrete Shells to Latticed Gridshells Candela's Style

  • 1.  From Concrete Shells to Latticed Gridshells Candela's Style

    Posted 12-30-2018 10:41 PM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 12-30-2018 10:40 PM


    "From Solid Concrete Hypar Shells to Latticed Hypar Gridshells"

    Using parabolic boundary curves and two sets of intersecting straight lines, the Concrete Shell Canopy designed by Felix Candela and constructed in the Botanical Gardens in Oslo Norway in 1962 has been recreated by using reverse engineering of the original structure into a 3D model of Gridshell type of Hypar Modular Sections which have been modeled using a unique method of parametric relationships along the boundaries of the three parabolic curves that form a single modular section of each one of the three overall sections that form the canopy. I was able to devise a method of directriz lines and projecting parallel and vertical lines to generate the parabolic curves between key points of the modular sections. We only need to generate one half section of the three modular canopy overall sections and then using the mirror and copy rotated sections at 120 degrees generate the overall canopy.

     The AutoCAD DWG file and a 3D PDF file are attached as a result of the generated models. The AutoCAD DWG file can be saved as a DXF file and then imported into a General Purpose Structural Software for analysis and design. The 3D PDF file can be open in Adobe software to view it in 3D, rotate it, zoom, it. Give it a try and see how it looks in 3D.

     The concept of "Tenshellgridity" which is a combination of Tensile and Compression members within a surface of Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells and Gridshells is clearly accomplished here in this 3D model. There are three main curved valley lines which form three compression legs and three main curved ridge lines which form three tension lines to achieve stability and strength of the tripod canopy.

    Pedro Munoz Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE
    PRM Engineering, LLC
    Methuen MA


    TPODCANOPY-X4.dwg   1.48 MB 1 version
    TRIPOD CANOPY-X1.pdf   1.85 MB 1 version