Hello ASCE Community,
I designed an egress stairwell for a residential client with 8' tall retaining walls on both sides of the stairwell. I have an image of the foundation plans below.
The contractor only excavated the wall footings to the depth of the steps. I'm concerned about frost heave because the footings will only be 18" max from an exposed surface (the steps).
The reinforcing bars were installed per spec, the footings & wall (dimensions) were also built per spec. I'd like to get a second opinion as to whether or not I should have the contractor go back out to remove the form work and finish the excavation. It's more than just the principal of the fact that they didn't follow my design. Unfortunately, I gave a verbal approval for the excavation as-is but would really like to confirm with some colleagues before moving any further.
Eric Gilliland Aff.M.ASCE
Denver CO