Your question is not clear. To better answer your question we need to know if the beams your discussing are steel or concrete.
For steel beams a drop beam is normally fully below the slab and carries the load from the slab by several mechanisms. An embedded steel beam can serve several purposes. The normal purpose I use embedded steel beams is for fire protection of the structure. Since the embedment is for fire protection, the concrete is not counted on to support the structure.
Using concrete beams, a drop beam is installed below the slab and carries the loads from the slab. The slab furnishes little lateral support. Embedding a concrete beam with the floor slab allows the beam and slab to function together as a tee beam, strengthening the structure laterally.
Kenneth Clark P.E., M.ASCE
Civil Engineer
Oklahoma City OK
Original Message:
Sent: 06-16-2017 13:43
From: Akintunde Alade
Subject: Different between embedded Beam and a drop down beam
Can an embedded Beam act as a drop-down Beam (secondary beam) which is dividing a slab panel