A 3D PDF gridshell model is presented to demonstrate how to reverse engineer the Candela's Groined Vaulted shells created using doubly ruled sets of straight lines within the boundaries of three parabolic curves. The entire surface is created by joining four modular sections into a square plan layout to achieve an Anticlastic Hypar surface. From the Groined Vaulted structure one can rearrange the 4 modules and convert them into an inverted umbrella which can be used very efficiently for courtyards, modular continuous canopies, and many other architectural applications. The gridshell surface can then be covered with a light weight membrane to obtain a lightweight canopy structure. The 3D PDF file can be rotated, pan, zoom, etc. Enjoy it !!!
Pedro Munoz Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE
PRM Engineering, LLC
Methuen MA