International expert: water resources, water quality, flooding, hydrology, oil spill cleanup, hydrodynamics, coastal surge, sediment transport, toxic waste, climate change, phytoremediation, ecological, environmental and civil engr. Solves difficult problems; anticipate & define engr practice with new design, analysis procedures derived & defended in professional, policy, & legal settings. Definitively defines sci. basis for any action, settlement, or claim. Author: 3 books, 274 other publications.
Prof. leader: Sr Dir. Board Am. Soc. Civil Engr (ASCE), Pres. Am. Ecological Engr Soc., founding diplomate Am. Acad. Water Resourc. Engr, Fellow ASCE EWRI, Am. Inst. Architects Recon Team—Sri Lanka tsunami damage, ASCE team to MS Coast after hurricane Katrina.
Awards: Am. Chem. Soc. & Assoc. Air Waste Manage.—EPA Science Achievement Awards (1) Chemistry, (2) Waste Management; ASCE—Gov. Civil Engr, Torrens, Young Civil Engr in Gov., GA 2008 Civil Engr; Nat. Soc. Prof. Engr—EPA Engr of Year; EPA—2 Sci. & Tech. Achievement Awards (EPA Sci. Advis. Board), 2 bronze medals, Special Achievements: Bioremediation of EXXON VALDEZ Oil Spill, Sacramento River Chemical Spill.
Policy experience: WV Legislative Forest Management Rev. Comm. testimony, Alberta & Canada joint sci. board oil sand mining testimony, testimony cited by LA Supreme Court, Corps of Engr testimony at WI 401 Water Quality Hearing, Italian, Australian gov. briefs--sustainable haz. waste cleanup, VP Parish zoning board.
Review-advisement: Alberta Innovates, US Nat. Res. Council, Am. Acad. Environ. Engr, Intern. Res. Exchanges Board, US-Israel Binational Agri. R&D Fund, Civilian Res. Devel. Found., others. Award-winning ed. Environ. Engr, co-ed. Environ. Sci. Poll. Res.
Experience: 35 yr US Geological Survey Hydrologist, EPA Nat. Expert Sr Environ. Engr; pioneer in sustainable phytoremediation, ecological engr; 1st demo oil spill bioremedaition; author, editor EPA total waste load guidance; $6 m res. support.