Concrete Materials for Durability and Sustainability
Modern concrete design and construction objectives often necessitate optimization of concrete mixtures for reduction of portland cement. Techniques for optimization developed at MJ2 Consulting, collectively called Low Heat Performance Concrete (LHPC), have resulted in some of the lowest carbon concrete mixtures used to date in the construction industry, ranging from 15-50% clinker. When project conditions necessitate high strength, high flowability/self-consolidating, or long service life, optimization of cementitious materials becomes more critical. To address these challenges, we will discuss project experience and case studies where concrete has been optimized for both flowability or durability and low clinker content.
Presenter: Matthew D'Ambrosia, PE, PhD, FACI
Matt is Principal and Co-Founder of MJ2 Consulting where he specializes in solving difficult problems for the concrete construction industry. Dr. D’Ambrosia has over 20 years of experience in concrete materials behavior and research. His interests include materials optimization for specialized applications, durability-related mechanisms such as volume change and cracking, as well as new approaches for prediction and verification of service life and sustainability. His expertise includes large infrastructure projects throughout the world, such as tall buildings, bridges, highways, dams, and power plants. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in 13 states.
Dr. D’Ambrosia teaches instructional courses for the industry and is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University. He is Chair of 562J and 209C, voting member of 209, 231, 236, 318A, 329, 349A, associate member of 237, 239, 318, 564, served on the Committee on Nominations and as Chair of CAP SC2. He is also a member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and former Chair of the American Ceramics Society (ACerS) Cements Division. He received his B.S. from the University of Iowa, M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, all in Civil Engineering.