January Branch Meeting - Emergency Bridge Replacement

When:  Jan 28, 2025 from 11:45 AM to 01:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Upstate Branch

McDaniel Ave Emergency Bridge Replacement and Sewer Upgrade

In late 2021, the Michael Baker bridge inspection team discovered structural deterioration to the McDaniel Avenue Bridge over the Reedy River and Swamp Rabbit Trail.  SCDOT issued emergency protocols to place load limits on the bridge until emergency repairs were completed. The City of Greenville owns a gravity sewer line that was mounted to the existing bridge, which was scheduled for upsizing to facilitate necessary flow improvements within the sewer basin.   With an ADT of over 11,000 vehicles per day and very active pedestrian and bicycle activity on the Swamp Rabbit Trail below, the repair of this structure was a priority for the safety and connectivity of the City of Greenville. Therefore, Michael Baker was procured by SCDOT and the City of Greenville to complete the design and construction plans for the bridge repair and sewer upgrade on an expedited schedule.

Stephen Ross, P.E.

Stephen is the SC Surface Transportation Lead for Michael Baker with more than 20 years’ experience in the design and management of transportation projects in South Carolina and across the Southeast region.  He has served as Project Manager or Task Lead for numerous projects including new facility bridges, bridge replacements, bridge widening/rehabilitation, drainage structures, utility structures, retaining walls, sound walls, and load/displacement-based seismic design and analysis. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Civil/Structural Engineering from the University of South Carolina, is a licensed professional engineer in SC and NC, and is a certified NHI Bridge Inspection Team Leader.

Ellen Chassereau, P.E.

Ellen is a project manager in Michael Baker’s Greenville office with a background in the design, modeling, permitting, bidding, and construction phase services with water and wastewater for public and private clients. Her experience includes the design of potable water distribution systems, sanitary sewer collection systems, and rehabilitation projects for water and wastewater systems. She has additional project experience in water booster stations, water storage facilities, sewer pump stations, and hydraulic water studies. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Clemson University in 2015 and is a licensed professional engineer in SC and NC.


ReWa Discovery Lab
564 Mauldin Rd
Greenville, SC 29607

Pricing Information

Registration Price
Member $7.00
Non-member $12.00
Vegetarian Sandwich Price
Member $13.00
Non-member $13.00
Chicken Caesar Salad Price
Member $13.00
Non-member $13.00
Turkey Wrap Price
Member $13.00
Non-member $13.00
Club Sandwich Price
Member $13.00
Non-member $13.00
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