ASCE NCS SEI October 2024 Meeting

When:  Oct 24, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  National Capital Section

ASCE membership is not required, but an ASCE account (free) is required for registration

Reusing Existing Substructure – Considerations and Options for Testing and Design


Micah S. Ceary, PhD, PE, DBIA
Design Engineering Program Manager
Project Development Program Area
Structure and Bridge Division 

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)

Meeting Format: 


Virtual Link: The meeting link will be sent to all virtual attendees following registration.

Time: Thursday, October 24th at 11:30-1:00 PM (Presentation will start at Noon)

“Reusing Existing Substructure – Considerations and Options for Testing and Design” With limited funding but high levels of need, engineers must be creative in addressing critical infrastructure needs. Cost-effective options are deck or superstructure replacement, but will these options provide the service life needed to match the rehabilitated deck or superstructure?  How do you evaluate the existing substructure and what are the considerations? The presentation addresses these questions while walking through real-world case studies.

About the Speaker:

Micah S. Ceary, PhD, PE, DBIA, Design Engineering Program Manager for the Structure and Bridge Division’s Project Development Program Area, Virginia Department of Transportation.  The Project Development Program Area is responsible for VDOT in-house design, coordination of consultant design, contract management, and oversight of Tier 2 projects. Before joining VDOT, Dr. Ceary worked for 24 years on Design-Build and Design-Bid-Build projects from Maryland to South Carolina.  During this time, Dr. Ceary's work includes rehabilitation and repair for structures ranging from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to small structures on secondary roads.  During Dr. Ceary’s time at the University of Maryland, the focus of his graduate work for both thesis and dissertation was on the investigated in-situ presence and characterization of delayed ettringite formation in Maryland.

All registered and paid attendees will be provided a PDH at their request.  Meeting links are for individual registrants and may not be shared or used in a group viewing setting.



Online Instructions:
Login: The meeting link will be sent to all virtual attendees one day before the event.

Pricing Information

Registration Price
All Registrants $0.00
Virtual Price
All Registrants $10.00


Gillian C. Love, P.E.
+1 (202) 772-4881
[email protected]
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