101524 CSCE Dinner Meeting at CT State Community College Three Rivers, Norwich, CT - Earn 1 NYS PDH

When:  Oct 15, 2024 from 05:30 PM to 08:00 PM (ET)

Please join CSCE at our monthly meeting at CT State Community College Three Rivers, Norwich, CT, on Tuesday, October 15, 2024. At this meeting, Jim Cole, P.E., MBA, PMP, Vice President of Projects at Avangrid, will give a presentation on the importance of civil and structural engineers in every aspect of the design and construction of high power electrical systems. From the grading & site preparation, subsurface trenching, and foundation work to the above ground buildings, transformers, steel structures, towers and lines, it all relies on civil and structural engineering. Structural and civil engineers play important roles in the planning, design and construction phases of Avangrid's major projects and some of its most recent and large scale projects completed in Maine, Connecticut and New York will be highlighted. One (1) New York State PDH will be offered at this meeting. This meeting is co-sponsored by the CT Chapter of the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute and CT State Community College Three Rivers in Norwich, CT, and will feature a buffet dinner followed by the evening's presentation.


CT State Community College - Three Rivers
Multi-Purpose Room, F117
574 New London Turnpike
Norwich, CT 06360

Pricing Information

Registration Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $0.00 $0.00
CSCE Member - No NYS PDH (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $55.00 $55.00
CSCE Member who wants to earn 1 NYS PDH (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $65.00 $75.00
Non CSCE Member - No NYS PDH (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $65.00 $75.00
Non CSCE Member who wants to earn 1 NYS PDH (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $75.00 $85.00
Full Time Students - No NYS PDH (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $30.00 $30.00
Unemployed CSCE Members (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $0.00 $0.00
Only attending the presentation - No meal (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $0.00 $0.00
Donation to CSCE (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $10.00 $10.00
Table Top Sponsor (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $100.00 $100.00
Flyer Sponsor (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $250.00 $250.00
Promotional Item Sponsor (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $500.00 $500.00
Social Hour Sponsor (101524 CSCE DM) Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Speaker Early Bird Regular
All Registrants $0.00 $0.00
Event Image


Amy Petrone
(860) 879-2723
[email protected]
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