Eastern Shore Branch - Survey 101 - November 16, 2023

When:  Nov 16, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM (ET)
Associated with  Maryland Section

ASCE – Eastern Shore Branch Site Tour

Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 3:00 PM

Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc.


601 East Main St. Salisbury, MD

Survey 101

This presentation is oriented to all civil engineers and surveyors of any discipline of practice, with the intention to refresh the basic surveying concepts, techniques, and more specifically, understanding different survey approaches depending of the project purpose or requirements.
During this presentation, we are planning to discuss the basic concepts of surveying, for engineering infrastructure.
Surveying has been used by humans since the dawn of civilization, however, during the last 50 years, the usage of survey data for planning, design, construction, and analysis has grown in complexity and versatility. These advancements have made it essential to coordinate with all engineering disciplines to optimize resources and make development as efficient and cost effective as possible.
Surveying is used on projects from the initial planning and design to the final record drawing production, and at various stages throughout the design and construction of a project.
During this hour we will refresh some of the basic survey planning and design concepts that should be understood by an engineer when enlisting Survey services.
This short presentation will discuss:
  • Survey origins
  • Survey uses
  • Survey techniques
  • Survey technology

Presented by: 

Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc. (DBF)
Pete Bozick, Survey Manager

Mr. Bozick brings over twenty years of experience in the field of surveying and engineering. Currently, Mr. Bozick serves as DBF’s Survey Manager, overseeing complex land surveying projects and operations. His proficiency in utilizing the latest surveying technologies and software, coupled with his technical expertise, has contributed to the success of a diverse range of projects at DBF. Successful project types have included public infrastructure improvements, residential community design, commercial development design, water/ wastewater/sewer design, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys.


Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc.
601 East Main Street
Salisbury, MD 21804

Pricing Information

Registration Price
Member $10.00
Non-member $15.00
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