Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • 1.  Costco vs. the Anti-DEI Wave: Standing Firm on Diversity

    Posted 12-30-2024 08:06 AM

    While "Walmart, John Deere, Tractor Supply and other companies are changing or walking away from diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies. But Costco believes DEI helps..."

    Per a Yahoo! Finance article, "Costco is battling an anti-DEI wave with a stern rebuke to activist shareholders looking to end the warehouse retailer’s diversity ambitions"

    However, Costco's board did not dissent in changing course away from DEI. 

    As this debate unfolds, it raises important questions for all of us:

    • How can organizations stay true to their DEI goals amidst external pressures?
    • What role do we play in supporting and amplifying these efforts within our own spheres of influence?

    Link to article referenced: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/costco-pushing-back-hard-against-201119769.html


    Michele Heyward A.M.ASCE
    Denmark SC

  • 2.  RE: Costco vs. the Anti-DEI Wave: Standing Firm on Diversity

    Posted 01-02-2025 02:11 PM

    Thanks for pointing out Costco's positive response, Michele. As the news item mentions, other companies are retreating from the DEI phrase, if not the philosophy. Some social media succeeded in making the term DEI toxic for many folks, even leading to legislative prohibitions in a few states.

    As individuals and organizations, I recommend that we express goals consistent with our mission and employ approaches (e.g., a diverse workforce) that support those goals. Costco did that by stating a goal of customer value that is achieved by employee and supplier diversity. The next step is harder. How do we achieve diversity without diversity goals which may look like, or become, quotas that feed the opposition narrative? IMO, that requires managers who truly believe in the benefits of diversity and (1) actively recruit diverse applications/proposals, (2) hire/award the best qualified, and (3) insist on equal treatment and an inclusive atmosphere to ensure retention. That doesn't conflict with managers striving to achieve mission goals as long as we keep goals and approaches distinct.

    William McAnally Ph.D., P.E., BC.CE, BC.NE, F.ASCE
    Columbus MS

  • 3.  RE: Costco vs. the Anti-DEI Wave: Standing Firm on Diversity

    Posted 01-08-2025 09:45 AM

    Thanks Michele!

    Re: "it raises important questions for all of us:

    • How can organizations stay true to their DEI goals amidst external pressures?
    • What role do we play in supporting and amplifying these efforts within our own spheres of influence?"

    In the absence of a ASCE-DEI Strategic Plan,

    we will continue to share various individual thoughts that will not lead to managed change.



    William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
    Buffalo, N.Y.

    "It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880

  • 4.  RE: Costco vs. the Anti-DEI Wave: Standing Firm on Diversity

    Posted 01-09-2025 02:10 PM

    I am so proud of the United Engineering Foundation for supporting ASCE's first JEDI Engineering Workforce Summit that was hosted in Reston on December 3, 2024. The event demonstrated ASCE's commitment to join forces with partner societies such as SWE, ASME, and WEPAN to call to action a collective leadership response to shift the engineering workplace to one that is inclusive, respectful, and engenders a sense of belonging for engineers traditionally underrepresented in those spaces. The summit panel discussions were powerful in that they impel industry and professional society leaders to take action on behalf of the workforce. 

    Lisa Black Ph.D., Aff.M.ASCE
    Director, Cultural Belonging & Social Ethos
    Reston VA

  • 5.  RE: Costco vs. the Anti-DEI Wave: Standing Firm on Diversity

    Posted 01-10-2025 09:26 AM

    It's good news. I note that many engineering workplaces are already inclusive and respectful of all. We should recognize our past successes while we continue to press for progress.

    William McAnally Ph.D., P.E., BC.CE, BC.NE, F.ASCE
    Columbus MS