Simple Registration

Starts:  Nov 13, 2023 09:00 AM (ET)
Ends:  Nov 17, 2023 05:00 PM (ET)
Community:   Career By Design

When & Where

Dial-in Instructions:
Resume will be submitted in in the resume specific thread once the thread is opened in November.

Nov 13 - 17, (ET)


Want to turn those job applications into job interviews?

It’s all about crafting the perfect resume.

The way you present your work history isn’t just important; it can be the crucial reason you get that call back for an interview.

And the ASCE Resume Workshop can help.

The workshop will be a live thread in ASCE Career by Design from November 13th to November 17th. All submitted resumes will be reviewed by coaches and receive a response by Monday, November 20th in Career by Design. 

Please submit your resume in the thread by November 17th to have it reviewed by an ASCE Resume Coach. 

Post your resume here! 

*** You must be an ASCE Member for your resume to be reviewed.

Meet the ASCE Resume Coaches 

Doug Cantrell, P.E., PMP, Preservation and Repair Engineer
Best resume tip? 
Use bullet points and effective headings to organize your resume.
What's the best career advice you've ever received? 
It's not a mistake unless you've made it twice. 

David M. Drevinsky P.E., PMP, MSCE, CBIE, Senior Civil (Structural) Engineer and Team Leader

Best resume tip? NEVER list a friend as your reference.  Rather, list an Industry Professional or University Dean and NETWORK with them often.
What's the best career advice you've ever learned? SUCCESS is based upon PEOPLE and the willingness to learn from each other.

Ashley Lesser, P.E., Environmental Quality Analyst/Project Manager
Best resume tip? There's only one rule: know your audience. Preparing a job application is an exercise in sales, which feels foreign to many engineers, especially starting out. Master the process and you'll find yourself using these persuasive communication skills again and again. Learning to write with your audience in mind will help you present sharper proposals, draft clearer reports, and interact more effectively with clients and project stakeholders over the course of your career.

What's the best career advice you've ever received?  Resilience isn't just for infrastructure!  Life rarely goes as planned, so develop an adaptive mindset: be kind to yourself, focus on things within your control, seek out silver linings, and never stop learning.

Joyce Lin, P.E., Civil/Transportation Engineer 
Best resume tip? Think of your resume like an elevator pitch. Format it to grab someone's attention but you don't need to crowd it with too many things. Quantify as much as you can (we like to see the impact/results of what you did) and don’t be afraid to own up to your task (never say “assisted”)
Best career advice ever received? If you don't know how to do it, do it anyway. It's better to spend some time trying to learn how to do something yourself, struggle a little and face some challenges. Once you've hit a roadblock, ask for help and some guidance.


Christopher Seigel, P.E., M.ASCE, Civil Engineer
Best Resume Tip? Let your resume “tell the story you want to tell about yourself.” This includes organizing your information in a certain way, and including specific information tailored to each opportunity you are pursuing.
What's the best career advice you've ever received? Choose a career that you care about, that interests you, or that you believe in. You will likely spend a lot of time in it. To quote Alan Watts: “This is the real secret of life ‐ to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”

Heidi C. Wallace, P.E., M.ASCE, Professional Engineer
Best resume tip: Make it organized in a way that information can be found at a glance
What's the best career advice you've received? Apply to companies with the kind of company culture and atmosphere you want to work in. 

Michael C. Wallace, P.E., LEED AP, ENV SP, Chief of Construction
Best resume tip? Quality vs. Quantity – resumes should include professional language and descriptions that catch the reviewer’s eye.  Remember – the resume is the key to get you in the room but the interview is how you get the job.
What is the best career advice you've ever received? If you enjoy what you do, you will never work a day in your life – look for work that you are passionate about because that Is how you will build your career.





registration type
    All Registrants

Contact Information

Tirza Austin


[email protected]

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