
  • DOT’s COVID-19 Updates Available on ASCE Collaborate

    The Highway Construction Committee (HCC) of ASCE Transportation & Development Institute’s Roadway Council has sought to leverage a new ASCE Collaborate Community to provide members access to the latest Department of Transportation and State Government news and information to address the obstacles and restrictions under the current pandemic environment:


    o   Scheduled reopening of highway and bridge construction projects;

    o Defining Essential Services.

    o Project Opening Considerations.


    o   Covid-19 Precautionary Measures to be Implemented on Project Construction Sites:

    o Best Practices to Minimize or Prevent Spread.

    o Individual State Requirements.

    o Project Site Safety Considerations.


    o   Project Construction Costs or Impacts Associated with Covid-19

    o Personal Protection Equipment

    o Restricted Site Access

    o Restricted Crew Sizes / Time of Operation


    The success of this site is dependent upon member involvement and particularly sharing of information that has been issued or developed to navigate the obstacles that we are facing under the current pandemic.  As with construction, the obstacles and restrictions being placed on the highway and bridge construction community is ever changing.  Through a collaborative effort we can develop and maintain a one-stop site that will provide member access to the latest published information and protective measures that are being successfully implemented.


    We encourage the ASCE construction community to upload documents that they believe may be of interest and concern the above topics and share comments on improvements that they believe will make this site better.  To this end, the HCC is actively reaching out to various Departments of Transportation to become active members of HCC or to periodically share information that can be uploaded to the ASCE Collaborate site.  As the site evolves, and provided there is sufficient member interaction, we anticipate that other topics and resources (i.e., standard specifications, ) will be shared, including links to specific Department of Transportation site publications.